Monday, January 27, 2020

Prayer Important Spiritual Discipline Theology Religion Essay

Prayer Important Spiritual Discipline Theology Religion Essay Historically, a praying church has been a spirit-filled and consistently growing church. An example of such a church is found in Acts 2. It is stated in verse 42: They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of break and the prayers. The people that this verse is talking about are the new converts, ; the three thousand added. Through prayer the apostles asked for the entire house of Israel to know that God has made Jesus Christ Lord and Messiah, and because of this, three thousand converts were added to the group of apostles. The new converts did not pray for a few minutes a day, they devoted themselves to prayer and to being taught by the apostles. Many churches in the postmodern era wonder why they are not growing in congregation members, and the truth is because they simply are not asking God for it. It says in Gods Word, You do not have, because you do not ask (James 4.2). The church is not growing because it is neglecting the holy communion wi th the Lord.  [3]   Matice 2 From Christ, it is expected that Christians will pray to God. This is seen in the Bible multiple times, for example: the Lords prayer (Matthew 6.9-15).  [4]  This is the prayer that Jesus tells while preaching the Sermon on the Mount to the crowds; it is a concise way that shows people how to pray. Another example is found in Luke 18.1, where Jesus tells a parable about how people need to always pray and to not give up on anything. Because Jesus was so forward about the need for prayer, Christians should give heed to prayer time in a more disciplined fashion, and definitely more often. Prayer should ideally be constant communion with God; it is never losing sight of the fact that one needs to turn their attention to God.  [5]  It is a way that Christians can become more like Christ; by spending time with Him. It is important that Christians are prayerful people because if the Holy Spirit were to come into ones life, it would be through prayer, and also because if the Holy Spi rit is going to work in or through a person, it would start by prayer.  [6]  It is also very important that when a Christian is praying, that they are praying in the Spirit. Because the Spirit prays in agreement to the will of God, there is a one hundred percent chance that the prayer will be answered.  [7]  Prayer is the key that will unlock Gods grace and power.  [8]   Ephesians 1.3 asserts that God has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. In order to get a hold of those gifts and blessings that God has placed within each of us, we must first ask for them with eager desire through prayer.  [9]  It is Matice 3 confirmed in James: The power of the righteous is powerful and effective (James 5.16). In other words, prayer actually works. Prayer brings the power of God into His childrens work. It is a supernatural gift and ability that can even save peoples souls, as said in 1 John 5.16.  [10]   Donald Whitney positively asserts: To abandon prayer is to fight the battle with our own resources at best, and to lose interest in the battle at worst.  [11]  Without asking for Gods grace during times of struggles or even times of prosperity, they are not fruitful. In order to truly learn how to pray, one needs to meditate on the scriptures. By reading Gods Word, meditating on it, and then praying about what one has meditated on, the Holy Spirit teaches the follower how to pray.  [12]  When we pray, we are speaking to God. It is a privilege to be able to speak to our Maker. It has been so fruitful and productive to study everything about the spiritual discipline of prayer. This year I have decided to take a more orthodox view of Lent, and so I have been studying that in my spare time as well. For Lent, I am going to refrain from sleeping in on school days. I am going to wake up at 6:00 to pray for at least an hour, along with reading the Bible. (good for you Mackenzie) After Christmas this year, when I had come back from my home (in Belgium), as I was jet-lagged, I would be awake at 5:00 here. I read for several hours and prayed each morning for those few weeks, and they were very productive days and I grew intimately with God. I would like to spiritually discipline myself to be able to wake up early in the morning to be with God, and I hope that He will see the yearning in my spirit and will give me the grace to wake up to pray to Him.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Canteen hygiene in Eastern Visayas State University Essay

Every school in the country should be strongly committed to support student health and well-being through its curriculum and a range of initiatives that offer opportunities that promote physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food. Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being programs, including food and nutrition education. The establishment and operation of a school canteen is important in developing love and interest in buying nutritious and healthy food among students, faculty and the school personnel, making it possible for them to enjoy nutritious and healthy food at affordable prices during the school day. The canteen should also provide a variety of foods and dishes that enhance the skills and knowledge learnt in the classroom about food and nutrition. Canteen operation can be considered one of the auxiliary services of the school. Food handlers have a prime role to play in food businesses, and that is to guarantee that meals served are h ygienic for consumption. Conscious or inadvertent contamination of such food places consumers at risk of suffering from food- borne illnesses. Food poisoning in school canteens had been an occurrence. For this reason this study will be carried out to assess canteen hygiene of the privately managed canteens in Eastern Visayas State University. Read more:  An Introduction to the Importance of School Canteen Statement of the Problem This study will be conducted to assess hygiene on these privately managed canteens inside the campus of Eastern Visayas State University. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions. 1. What is the level of premises cleanliness of the canteens in the following areas? 1.1 Food Preparation Area 1.2 Food Storage Area 1.3 Refreshment Area 1.4 Toilets and Staff Locker Area 1.5 Waste Disposal Area 2. What is the level of personal hygiene of canteen staff (food handlers)? 3. What is the level of hygiene on the following? 3.1 Dry Goods Storage Unit 3.2 Refrigerator/ Chiller/ Freezer 3.3 Cooking Equipment 3.4 Food Preparation and Holding 3.5 Food Handling and Serving Practices Research Hypothesis This study will advance and test the research hypothesis which states the level of premises cleanliness of the canteens, the level of personal hygiene of canteen staff and the level of hygiene of the canteens in Eastern Visayas State University. Conceptual Framework Schools are in a good position to endorse healthy food related behaviors in students and help ensure appropriate food intake. Food items sold in and around the school during school hours/recess play a special role in school life because it provides refreshment and fulfills energy requirements of students. Canteens vary in terms of capacity depending on the number of students who eat from there, type of food offered and the type of activities such as preparation, cooking and storage. The school canteen has an important role in the provision of food to students and the school community as well as being an integral part of the school environment. The school canteen should feflect the education goals of the school and support and complement student learning. When a university canteen is used daily, the food provided through this service may comprise a third of a student’s total daily intake and have a significant influence on their health and nutrition. The correct handling of food and a high level of personal hygiene are keys to food safety. Correct food safety procedures must be understood by everyone who handles food or works in  the canteen, including students. Significance of the Study This study is not only important to those operating canteens, but also to following people who are interested to have knowledge and compliance with the requirements on food safety and hygiene of canteens. To the Administrator. The result of this study will help both the teachers and the students gaining knowledge in maintaining the good hygiene in operating of canteen. To the Teachers. As the result of this study will guide the students on choosing canteens that serving well-prepared meals and has good hygiene habits. To the Canteen Owners. The use of these requirements will help them improve their management of their canteens. To the Students. This study benefits to the student who eat in diferrent canteens, which is help them to find canteens that they know prepareing safe food. Scope and Delimitation The study will determine the canteen hygiene in Eastern Visayas State University. The investigators will focus on canteens hygiene of the canteens in the Eastern Visayas State University. The respondents of this study consisted of the 75 canteen personnel and 50students from different year levels. This study was limited to the assessment of canteens hygiene in term of the level of hygiene in dry goods storage unit, refrigerator/ chiller/ freezer, cooking equipment, food preparation and holding, food handling and serving practices.This study conducted during the school year 2014-2015. Definition of Terms The following terms are having operationally defined for better understanding of the reader. Hygiene. In this study refers to the good healthful conditions of the personnel. Inadvertent. Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning. Food- borne illness. is an infection or irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract caused by food or beverages that contain harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, or chemicals. Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature It is essential that food is properly handled and prepared to keep it for health. Food should be served in clean dishes. Food can be dangerous if not properly handled, prepared and stored. Schools canteen can play an important role in promoting healthy habits. Health promotion messages can be delivered to students to develop lifelong attitudes and skills. â€Å" Poor oral health can have a detrimental effect on children’s quality of life, their performance at school and their success in later life† , mentioned by Kwan, Petersen, Pine and Borutta (2005). In the local setting, Presidential Decree No. 856 embodies the code in sanitation of the Philippines. Section IX of the code specially pertains to food establishment sanitation. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of the sanitation code by the foodservice operators will ultimately redound to their own benefit since customers prefer eating in clean and sanitary premises. The maintenance of high standards of san itation in the foodservice operation cannot be compromised by management. Sanitation should be treated as a way of life in foodservice because any laxity in sanitation rules can mean illness for customers, loss of business and financial bankruptcy. Hired people handling food in the canteen should be required to undergo training for food handlers, obtain a certificate of good health from the municipal health department and observe hygiene. Related Studies The aforementioned study was similar to the present study included factors like Sanitation in Physical Facilities. According to Medrana (2004) in her article, school canteens have always canteen or cafeteria is different from a commercial outfit that is also  subjected to government sanitary controls. Whereas commercial canteens and restaurants are established for profit as the main object, a school canteen is set-up mainly to benefit the students while offering them decent yet affordable fare. Recalled by Morphet (1994) the schoolfood service was since then a major division of school operations. It was estimated that the gross expenditures for the school lunch program was approximately one billion pesos during the year 1956-1957. According to Maniquiz (2009) enough knowledge is imperative to canteen managers for their role is to make decisions that will affect the entire canteen organization. Chaper III Methodology In this chapter presents the design or methods and produce with the study will be undertaken and describes the instruments used in gathering the data, the analysis of the data in testing the hypothesis. Research design This study will use a descriptive survey method with questionnaire as the main tool in gathering the data. It is descriptive, as it presents the different practices in canteen hygiene. In other words, this research endeavor will assess the hygiene of all canteens which is concerned the students. Research respondents The data of this study will be gathered from all the canteens in the Eastern Visayas State University. Included in this study will be the canteens who are officially registered in the University.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Suenos de Una Tarde Dominical En La Alameda Central

The author of this mural is Diego Rivera. He is one of the most important artists in Mexico. Also, he had the capacity to involve the people in his work. Diego Rivera always focused his work on politics and history of Mexico. We have the clear example in Suenos de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central. It was painted for Diego Rivera in 1947. The original mural was established in one of the principal walls in the Prado Hotel, but after the earthquake in 1985 it was removed to Palacio Nacional in Mexico City. As had been noted, Diego Rivera a long of 74m2 painted the most important events from Mexican history, dedicated for all the people. For this reason, I chose to analyze this source, because I like the Mexican history and I am fan of Diego Rivera. Suenos de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central focused on the claim of Indigenas (native groups), that was a fundamental topic by Diego Rivera. Another important topic that is represented in the mural is the fight of the social classes. Besides this, the mural was designed in chronological order; it begins on the left side with the Conquest of Mexico. Diego Rivera in so many cases represented the figure of Hernan Cortez with a grotesque image but in this case, he represented Cortez with his hands bleeding. Also in the mural he painted the first New Spain Archbishop, Fray Juan de Saronga who in 1539 was ordered to burn alive one son of Nezahualcoyolt. This person was the first victim of the Holy Inquisition in New Spain. This terrifying institution was brought from Spain and burned alive all the people that were accused for heresy. In the mural this ritual is personified for Dona Mariana de Carbajal, who mounted on a donkey is driven to fire; she is followed by San Benito Verde, a symbol of the executioner. Likewise appearing in this section is Luis de Velasco who was the eighth viceroy in the New Spain, he opened the Alameda in 1592. In addition, an important figure in this mural is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, she was the most important poet in the seventeen century and a Woman’s Rights defender. On the other hand, the painter Diego Rivera devoted half of his life to painting murals. In some cases his work was misunderstood and destroyed. For example this mural, when it was opened one archbishop denied to bless the Prado Hotel because the mural has the phrase â€Å"God does not exist†. This phrase was written on a paper that was held for Ignacio Ramirez, who was a free thinker. A consequence of this was diverse Catholic’s groups attacking the mural. To avoid the damage it was covered for eight years until 1956, when it was showed again after the painter had already changed the phrase to â€Å"Conferencia de Arteletra de ano 1836†. In the second stage of the mural Diego Rivera painted Mexico as an Independent country. He also painted the figure of Antonio Lopez de Santana, who was general and political figure; he was president of Mexico for eleven years between 1833 and 1855. Next to Santana appears the Gral. Winfield Scott invaded Mexico in 1846, comanded his troops to occupy the Alameda during the invasion. Nonetheless, in the same section we have a mystery, some people question why Diego Rivera did not paint the principal figures of Mexico’s Independence. For example, Miguel Hidalgo and Morelos he did not consider them important figures, instead he chose the face of Iturbide who was in the Spanish military. Iturbide helped and supported the Independence of Mexico and was emperor of Mexico for ten months. In addition is important to mention that Diego Rivera in his mural mixed characters from history and folk. For example, the old man who was sleeping. In any event, Diego Rivera liked to present the history of Mexico in his murals. Other stages he represented were the reform and imperialism, Diego Rivera painted the character of Benito Juarez holding a role, in it is a phrase about respect. Among other people in the mural that is presented are Maximiliano and his wife Carlota. He was emperor of Mexico, during his period Carlota remodeled the Alameda because it was in bad condition. The reform was related with Benito Juarez and Imperialism was releated with Maximiliano de Hasburgo. Finally, the artist expressed the Porfiriato. It was denoted by the newspaper â€Å"EL IMPARCIAL† one of the most important newspapers in those years. Therefore, the mural has a lot of details and symbolism that focuses on the claim of Indigenas and on the social classes. For this reason, is important know that the mural was painted during the presidency of Miguel Aleman in Mexico. This period was relevant because he fought against the social classes such as Diego Rivera. He was also interested in the equality between the workers and entrepreneurs. Another important event was the reform of the third article in the constitution. In consequence, a lot of places like Bellas Artes and other important culture centers was remodeled and opened for all the people. Also, this reform prevented and combated the illiteracy in Mexico. The liberty of expression by the artist given more respect and artists like Diego Rivera could paint murals about the government and the injustice he experience from the government without a problem, except for some religious groups. In fact, this mural is an inspiration for all the Mexicans because it represented the most important events in the Mexican history. Also, this mural symbolizes all the people that fought for a better country in the different stages of the Mexican history. For example Benito Juarez, who was president of Mexico and established the Reform Laws. In the same way, Diego Rivera expressed his opinion about the injustice that some groups were subject to. Also the artist illustrated a day in la Alameda Central, one of the most important places in Mexico City. The placement of his mural was seen as an advantage, because it is in Palacio National the home of experts and critics in history, politic and art. For this reason Diego Rivera and his mural are an important piece for represent the pace and justice in Mexico.

Friday, January 3, 2020

What Does It Mean to Be Human - 626 Words

There are many different meanings to being human. Being human means being a mundane that tries to make sense of its spiritual existence. We are not human, we are simply being human. If we were not to be born as humans, we may have been born as animals. In Book I of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle introduces his argument by distinguishing between two types of ends which human beings strive for. He states, â€Å"For the end is sometimes an activity, sometimes a product beyond the activity; and when there is an end beyond the action, the product is by nature better than the activity† (1). Aristotle initializes happiness as being the desirable condition which we ultimately work toward. Virtue, character, and love are three states in our lives that make us human beings. Moral virtue is acquired through the habituation of good acts which constantly aim for a mean between excess and deficiency in each circumstance. It is the choice of moral virtue through our acts, which allows us to satisfy a major requirement for happiness. Virtue, for Aristotle is a state in which reason helps us decide to do good acts. This is a part of our natural function as human beings, since reason is our distinguishing characteristic and good is the always the object of â€Å"correct reason.† The habituation of good acts, then, is what leads us to states of virtue in our lives. Since action always implies either pleasure or pain, it is our job to maintain the appropriate amount of each in the things that we do.Show MoreRelatedWhat Does It Mean to Be Human1450 Words   |  6 PagesWhat do es it mean to be Human? By Rudy Trevino   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Origin, meaning, morality and destiny. These are not just random words attached to the big questions of life raised by humanity in the context of traversing in, what to many is, a mundane existence. 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